If you can incorporate the following three habits into your life you will have the foundation to achieve whatever you want.
- Meditate to start your day; without exception.
When was the last time you felt peace knowing that you were on track with your goals?
If it’s been a while I am going to guess you haven’t meditated on a regular basis. Taking time to clear your mind, get still, and allow your mind and body to connect in a serene environment can literally take you from good to great. It’s the foundational work to set the stage for your ultimate achievements.
- Journal right after meditating; without exception.
Taking the time to physically type or write down the thoughts and feelings that come to your mind during meditation will do something incredible for you.
When you write down what inspired you it takes that information and makes it accessible in your long term memory. When you write down HOW you were inspired it turns it into applicable knowledge. During the stillness of meditation, you will have many inspired thoughts and emotions that are there to serve your greater good. Writing them down stores them so that they stay with you.
- Writing down five things that went right for the day.
Even the most difficult days have a silver lining.
There is a lesson, tender mercy, a sign of the greatness of life buried in the most challenging day. As they say; what you focus on, expands. Taking time before bed to write in your journal what things went right will allow your mind and emotions to be in a space of expansion as you head to sleep. This will provide you a theme of positivity during your dream state. It may sound like unicorns and rainbows but it’s absolutely proven to be true.
If you’re willing to apply these three habits to your life you will have all you need to succeed. Or at least, you’ll be open to the growth necessary to achieve the success you desire.