Normally, when I am sitting here post meditation I am use this time to write in my journal.
Today, I’m going to post it on my feed instead.
It’s New Years Eve. As I sit here with my mind quiet and my body relaxed thoughts come and go about what this day represents to me and to others.
I see a polarity in the way people are approaching this day. Some are planning, scheming and outlining their successes for the coming year.
Some aren’t.
Regardless of what actions you are or are not taking, there is a universal power in renewal.
The peace of the moment reminds me of this eternal truth.
We as humans need a marker to signify a recommitment or starting over.
As far as the ‘when’ for some it’s the new year. For others it’s Spring or the change of seasons. Maybe it’s a birthday, or significant loss.
Whatever the trigger, the emotional charge to force this renewal will always arise.
It’s pretty simple, pain inevitably effects us sufficiently to decide that something is complete; no matter the result. Then, we start new with a fresh perspective and commitment.
[Enter the new year]
The success of this renewal is where we find our resolve. Where I have found my resolve. When we look back we romanticize our experiences. When change is required we demonize the bad, exaggerate the good.
The only way that our commitment to change will stick is if we do a few simple things:
– We change our environment (literal and metaphorical).
– We map our desired changes and results. Where do we want to go? Envision this clearly and then reverse engineer the required benchmarks to achieve it.
– Start your day effectively addressing your body and your soul (meditation and exercise)?
– Forgive ourselves when our results as less that we want, celebrate our wins along the way.
I’ll repeat that last part.
– Celebrate each small win along the way.
I am grateful for the changes that are coming. I recognize that what I choose to experience is a manifestation of my choices and actions. I am thankful for the renewal and course correction that I’ve commitment to.
This coming year will new challenges and opportunities with our pending move and the development of my new business; Urbia Exchange. There is powerful momentum that stretches beyond my ability to see how great these things can be. I’ll start with today, keeping the small commitments to myself and my family.
As you read this, I hope the same for you. Take inventory.
Weed out the unsupportive influences in your life.
Plant seeds for the new blessings.
Make room for abundance.
Let’s check back in at the end of Q1 and see how we did.