I usually don’t have a direct cross over from my Rules of Success website to my personal blog. The only times I do is when I feel a very personal, emotional response to a message or a specific guest of my show.
This week is one of those times.
This week’s episode of Rules of Success is Founder of Quit Trip’; David Kozlowski.
A few weeks ago a friend of the show; Brandon Cash told me about this teen outreach program he was a part of called “Quit Trip’n.” He shared that it was unlike anything he’d ever seen in the ‘space’ of teenage health and suicide prevention. They don’t even call themselves a suicide prevention community; it’s more of a “safe environment for teens to have a place where they are able to share their stress and personal struggles.”
Anyway, that conversation leads to Brandon introducing me to the Founder of Quit Trip’n; David Kozlowski.
Over the course of several days, David and I....connected on several levels for the purpose of using the platform of my audience to bring awareness to what his 501C3 does. We discussed a narrative, what questions to review, and the best way to get the message out to my listeners.
On the day of recording, I had all sorts of glitches with my audio equipment. Odd feedback, distortion. Logic Pro would freeze. Even though it affected our conversation (since we had to start and stop) we ended up having a few magic moments. It wasn’t ideal but it would work.
And then it hit me. What Quit Trip’n does is not a “I will make it work” type scenario.
It is a “This has to be top shelf because it’s so important” type scenario.
So, with my tail between my legs I apologized to David and asked if he’d be willing to come back the very next day to do this again. By then I would have all the technical difficulties resolved and we could fully embrace the energy of expansion and create a killer interview without the distractions. Even through it would require him to come back to my studio, I promised it would be worth it.
He agreed.
The next day he returned, and as I had promised there were no distractions. The conversation that you hear on this episode is free flowing, spontaneous and perfectly represents both David and his cause.
I am grateful we was willing to come back. I am very proud of what we created together.
We discuss communication, therapy and Quit Trip’n.
Quit Trip’n promotes health and life as opposed to prevents suicide. Their focus is right in line with the tenets of Rules of Success and I am honored and pleased that David took time to share his vision.
In our conversation we discuss the many facets of health, communication, family dynamics and achievement. As a young man who was adopted while at the same time had a knack from an early age of connecting with people, David shares several profound experiences that shed a light on how we can be more grounded and effective in our pursuit of happiness.
One particular discussion we have is on a concept called assertive vulnerability.
It’s a ‘can’t miss’ segment.
If you have ever wanted to feel a deeper connection in your family dynamic OR just wanted to be heard; LISTEN IN!
To learn more about Quit Trip’n, please visit their site QuitTripn.org
Enjoy! -BP